Court of Appeals | Appellate Division | Supreme Court, Miscellaneous Reports
The Brooklyn Supreme Court Law Library has records and briefs for cases starting from 1862 to the present. Materials from 1862 to 1993 must be retrieved from an off-site storage service. Allow twenty-four to forty-eight hours for delivery of off-site materials. After 1983, records and briefs for all four appellate departments are stored in micro-fiche. The library has a micro-fiche reader printer and does not charge for printing out the first twenty-five pages of a brief. See a librarian for assistance in retrieving files. Records and briefs are not allowed to circulate.
The indexes to the pre-1983 materials are the original court clerk ledger books. The information available in each ledge book is limited to the names of the parties, entered by plaintiff, month and year that the case was filed with the clerk and the number of the volume in which the record and brief is filed. Some entries include New York Reports cite, but there is no consistency. Records and briefs can be logged any time within a year before or after a decision and the party names can be abbreviated imaginatively.